Are you looking to improve your welding skills or begin a career in welding? If yes, it is preferred to join a welding school. The welding schools offer programs that help in preparing individuals to apply the technical knowledge and skills to cut the metals or to join the metal surfaces. They teach you instructions about the different types of welding practices, safety and the applicable codes and standards.
Best welding schools
To help you in searching the schools, we have listed the top colleges offering welding courses across the globe.
Tulsa welding school
This is the top-ranked school to pursue education regarding welding. The school offers 3 major programs for welding: master welder, Association of occupational studies in welding technology, and Structural welder. These programs range from 3 ½ months to 14 months of training. The school delivers hands-on training in a shop to the students for 4 days and the classroom section is offered for only a day. The syllabus is designed such that the students get success in their field.
Southwestern Illinois College
The school is operated in two centers off the main campus: Scott air force base, Belleville, and the east St.Louis community college center. The school offers unique programs and one among that is the welding program. These programs benefit students with high skills to take up well-paid careers. The school also offers financial aid for the students.
Hobart institute of welding technology
The school offers structural and master welding programs better than any other schools. They also offer affordable courses which are specific. One among them is the Tig welding course which is a two-week course that teaches the basics of the specific method.
Lincoln welding training
This has a motorsport welding program. They provide in various fields of safety, Hands-on welding. The course covers :TIG Welding (GTAW),Gas Selection and affects, Polarity settings, Tungsten Selection,-which kind to use, Square Wave for welding aluminum, Pulse Welding MIG Welding (GMAW),Short Arc Mig, Spray Arc mig, New Processes, Basic Metallurgy, Metal Identification and Classification, Pre and Postheat, Chrome-Moly techniques, Proper Filler Metal and Base Metal Selection, Aluminum Alloys, Stainless Alloys, Carbide Control, Oxy Fuel Cutting, Plasma Cutting, Welding vs. Brazing vs. Soldering, Open Lab Time.
Central Louisiana Technical community college
The school offers a plenty of choices to choose from. It offers more than one diploma and eleven certificate courses all of which teach about the broad range of welding skills. It has seven different campuses offering welding programs in all locations.
University of Alaska anchorage
This is a school which has all the benefits of a large university. This is the largest post-secondary level school in the state. They maintain a high standard of education. This is one of the few institutes which combine welding training with a nondestructive testing technology in one program.
We have listed only the top picks of the various institutes. But, it is recommended that you choose a college by performing a research by gathering information of different colleges offering this course and pick the one which has good infrastructure and gives more hands-on training with affordable tuition fees.